Identity – The inner border

This was an exhibition displayed at “Pavelhouse”, located on the southern border between Austria and Slovenia. The latter aspect is significant as they have dedicated their space to exploring the connection between the two countries, given that the border separating them used to be non-existent.

My class spent an afternoon there, being given a tour of the exhibition, exploring the space, and capturing photographs of the exhibition objects and space. Each of us developed our unique design and concept for an exhibition catalogue.

A border does not just appear by some natural force. Some people, probably men, were sitting at a table while deciding where to draw the line between their countries. With decisions like these, people get separated from their friends and family. One side became Austrian, and the other Slovenian.

Just as a border disturbs people’s lives, a red line representing the border disturbs the reader. This line is printed on transparent paper, making the text or images on the page underneath only partially visible. However, the border is not the only thing disturbing the reader. The cover or chapter pages also have a second layer of transparent paper with handwritten translations on top of the titles.